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“Under the crimson, primordial sky surrounded by the jagged rocks of the ancient volcanic mountain, the wretched Warlock reached into the dark embrace of the fissure until his hand touched a smooth glassy surface. Cold as ice. His fist closed around The Serpent’s Eye. Slowly he withdrew it and held it before him in the fading light of the blood-red suns. It glowed from within. A ghostly emerald light. Strange and eternal.”


Limited Edition

Bright white velvet fine art paper / 100% cotton

by Christopher Shy



Art inspired by "Mandy"

Mandy (Version 3) - 24 x 36

$210.00 Regular Price
$178.50Sale Price
  • Please allow up to 3 weeks for shipping. There is no limit on how many of this item can be purchased. 

  • Sales are final at the time of purchase. 

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